The Crayfish eDNA workshop in Stockholm 2023

The Crayfish eDNA workshop took place at Drottningholm in Stockholm from 23nd to 25th of May 2023. The workshop was organized by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and the National Veterinary Institute in Sweden. Members of the eDNA Labs team, Teja Muha and Lucija Markulin participated in the workshop together with prof. dr. sc. Ivana Maguire from Faculty of Science, Zagreb.

The main goal of the workshop was to bring together experts from the field of freshwater crayfishes and environmental DNA detection, with the aim of improving crayfish monitoring using eDNA technology and potentially standardizing the methodology.

On the first day of the workshop, lectures were held where Labena participated with presentation on the topic “eDNA detection of Austropotamobius torrentium phylogroups in Croatia”. The presentation showcased the results of Labena’s collaboration with prof. dr. sc. Ivana Maguire. The second day was an experimental day where teams from ten European countries including Croatian-Slovenian team conducted sampling from prepared tanks, ponds and the Lake Mälaren. Teams collected water samples containing different amounts of noble and signal crayfish as well as crayfish plague using their own protocols and equipment. The objective was to compare methods and results across different groups on the same samples. On the last day, our team participated in a field trip to the noble crayfish farm outside Stockholm, close to Uppsala owned by Mr. Bo Andersson where noble crayfishes are farmed with the aim of returning them to the environment and rebuilding populations.


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